We had to make a presentation about a role model.
We made posters, models, booklets and included information about their life and how they provide inspiration for us.
Enjoy taking a look at some of our work.
We are a lively, enthusiastic bunch of kids who are learning that in order to be our BEST we have to give things a go! Please join us in our journey of learning. We hope you will visit our blog often and we look forward to seeing your positive comments!
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
What are you learning
about? What stage/level are you at?/What are your next steps?
Use descriptive words and use expression
like when you see !
I’m level 24
Is that good?
Yes, it’s age 9 and I’m only 7
Do you have to try?
Yes, now I have to read bigger books and
chapter books
Reading using expression
It makes it interesting for people
I’m level 23
Is that good?
Sort of, it’s 8.5 years and I’m 7½
(discussed .5=½)
I need to work on pausing at full
Using expression while we’re reading and using
wow words which help us read about it with expression
I’m level 21
Is that good?
I’m not sure. I think it’s for 8 year olds and I’m 8
soon, so it’s good
I need to listen more and use lots of expression
What is your learning
intention? WALT?
How will you know when
you have learned that? (or are good at
The teacher puts comments about what we
are doing and what to work on
When I do that, my reading will sound
I’ll use expressive words and I’d be
trying my hardest
What other
learning goals do you have?
Referred to goal sheet
All these ones (on goal sheet)
Not sure
What are the things that
help you to learn?
How do you learn best?
My parents help me to see things are
Keep on practising and giving things a go
Do my hardest
When you are not sure
what you are meant to be doing, or need help, what do you do?
Sound it out
Ask someone
Only ask the teacher if she’s not with a
Ask 3 people then see if Mrs Naidoo isn’t
with a group and ask her
Ask for help, ask 3 people before the
What do you enjoy most in
the classroom?
Learning more
Inquiry time – we do most learning at
inquiry time
Trying my hardest, learning and getting
better at things