Thursday 27 March 2014

Week 8 special kids!

This week RS got the values award, FC was STP and GM was Star Person.  Zippy has gone home to help GM pack for his trip to Wales soon... we hope he doesn't stow away!!!



What a handsome trio of super kids!

Tuesday 25 March 2014

The Sky on Saturday Night

On Saturday night I went on top of the playhouse to shut the hatch.The lid smashed closed with a loud ''BANG!" Before I slid down, I looked at the sky. I said "WOW!" to myself.  It looked   AMAZING. The clouds were pearl grey with a few cracks inside that were lava orange.  I slid down the slide, raced inside and I told Mum I would write about it.  R.J

Saturday 22 March 2014

When The Rhino Followed Me Home

One sunny afternoon we went on a safari .We saw tigers, lions, cheetahs and rhinos. One rhino liked me. When it was time to go home we didn't notice the Rhino. Mum looked back and
saw the rhino. Mum turned  crayon purple and she fell  unconscious.  "I am brave! I am determined! I am strong!'' I said to myself.

My dad would be furious. So I decided to keep it and not tell my dad. I hopped out of
the car and the rhino followed me to the door and then it couldn't fit through the glittery gold door. Then we tried to call the emerald, crystal green zoo truck but the zoo was closed. We tried to call the safari truck but it was closed tpp. Fourth we called the animal patrol...  By S.C

Thursday 20 March 2014

Week 7 special people

STP and values for this week....

RAO, WM, LG... well done kids!

WM was also Star Person this week and was really excited about taking Zippy home for some more adventures... oh to be a giraffe called Zippy!

Tuesday 18 March 2014

A Rhino Followed Me Home

One sunny hot afternoon I went to the zoo.  I saw, stripy tigers, spotty lions and  a  boring old rhino. The rhino that I saw had a big funny thing on it. I asked my dad ''What is that thing on the rhinos head?'' My dad said, ''I have no idea.'' I was hoping that my dad would tell me what it is.
Ten minutes later we finally got to the hot sunflower yellow beach which had a nice blueberry blue sky with a  nice turquoise blue sea and  a  hot shiny  sun with a pretty  smile on its face. At the beach me and the rhino had a swim in the water. I hope you have a really good time at  the beach. So goodbye everybody but don't be sad because I will come back some day. Goodbye. The end. R.A.

Sunday 16 March 2014

86 Visits from Around the World!

Rm 13 are so excited to see so many people visiting and commenting on our blog.  We have already achieved our goal of 200 hits and have had 86 visits from different parts of the world.  We deserve to have a small celebration during Circle Time! Yay!  Keep an eye out for new work that we are going to post this week, stories, art and more!

Thank you for visiting!


Narratives from Rm13

Hi everyone,
We have been busy writing some amazing narratives and are learning to include a problem our stories. Some of us are also becoming very good at using resources to find more interesting words. Please keep an eye out for our stories and leave some positive comments. We will start posting them very soon.

Friday 14 March 2014

Fund raising gossip

Yep, I know, fund raising is a pain but we really appreciate the money our PTA provides and the support of our school community...

Our latest fundraiser sees our kids selling boxes of Easter Eggs, they are yummy and I know... why?

Picture this...

knock on door, "would you like to buy some lovely Easter chocolate?"

"Yes, I'll shut the door so the dog doesn't run  off and see if my wife has some money"...

"HI, I'll get an egg!"

Child is very shocked when his teacher opens the door!!!

He even got a sticker for his chart because he was so polite and his Mum was with him!!!

Let's support these little dudes trying to get awesome stuff for their school.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Star Person

This week we chose C.I. because she always works quietly and peacefully at her table.
She is looking forward to taking Zippy home because she is so cute and cuddly.  Zippy will love that because she likes cuddles too!

Special Terrific Person

Well done V.C
It was so cool to see Mum and Dad watching your great handshake with Mr T at assembly.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Swimming Carnival

I Can Read!

R.A made us all proud yesterday when she read an English book all by herself without any support! R.A is only just learning to speak English and we were all extremely excited to hear her read confidently. Well done R.A!

Thursday 6 March 2014

This week's Star Person...

Well done KM...

I liked being Star Person because I get to take Zippy home and cuddle her.  We are going to teach Zippy how to bake.

Week 5 STP & Values

Congratulations to our special children this week...  JH and GM

Wednesday 5 March 2014


Great to see the hits happening and the comments coming (including lots of international relatives taking a look)... bring on the hundred hit class treat.

The winning logo is posted on the right hand side...

Saturday 1 March 2014

Meet Zippy...

We have a class mascot called Zippy. He came from a place called Alexandra Hills in Australia to join our class as he heard it was the best!  Every week we nominate a star person, who gets to take Zippy home for a weekend.  So far he has been jetskiing, swimming and he loves to give everything a go!

Team 3/4 logo competition

Every year, the Year 3/4 team has a competition to desugn a team logo.  This year's winner was Room 13's very own M.C.  Well done, we are very proud of you.

Room 13's best...

Congratulations to our classmates who have been chosen as STP's or for displaying the values of 'courtesy and manners.'

Week 2 - V.C and J.L

Week 3 - A.A and M.C
Week 4 - L.A and R.A