Sunday 1 June 2014

What have we been talking about?

Our Inquiry is 'To lead or to follow?'

 We have compared and contrasted our House Leaders to our Principal, Mr T.

They all have responsible jobs at BDS and we discussed what  may happen if Mr T wasn't here...

The best idea was that we would be stuck in our classrooms forever, as the office ladies might get lazy and wouldn't ring the bell to let us out!

And who would make the big decisions?

What do you think - what if the Principal decided to stay in bed?

Here is what Kenn Nesbitt has to say on the subject - we love his poems!

I'm staying home from school today.
I'd rather be in bed
pretending that I have a pain
that's pounding in my head.

I'll say I have a stomach ache.
I'll claim I've got the flu.
I'll shiver like I'm cold
and hold my breath until I'm blue.

I'll fake a cough. I'll fake a sneeze.
I'll say my throat is sore.
If necessary I can throw
a tantrum on the floor.

I'm sure I'll get away with it.
Of that, there's little doubt.
But, even so, I really hope
my students don't find out.
--Kenn Nesbitt


Rhona said...

I love this it's so cool. GOod thinking Room 13!

Mrs Naidoo said...

Great thinking Rm 13!